Thursday, April 10, 2008

Journal # 9 Collaberative Documents

Web 2.0 Review

I chose the Collaborative Documents tool. I chose this tool because I have been obsessed with it ever since professor told us about it. I suggested it to other classmates who are working on group projects, and to my project partner as well. This tool allows people to work on projects with people without even having to meet up. Google docs is the favorite in the blogs I read on web 2.0. To use Google docs the only thing a person needs is a Gmail account, and it free. You can create fact sheets, outlines, tables, add images, make corrections to the other persons work, change fount, color or size, and again it is FREE. Students can collaborate on a project together, teachers can work on lesson plans together, students and teachers can communicate, it is awesome.

I personally love this tool because it is very hard for me to meet up with other students, seeing that I live in Temecula and most everyone else lives in San Marcos or vista area. This tool has benefited me tremendously. There were a few bloggers that ran into problems finding a collaborative document site that would work in their District. This is because of the Internet protections but there are quite a few, and usually if you submit the site to IMS (the computer tech crew) and tell them what you are using it for they will approve it. Some of the sites mentioned were Facebook, ABAtechblog, Whiteboard, and KMWord, but Google Docs was most defiantly the the big hit.

When I become a teacher I will use this in my classroom to have students work on group projects with other classes, or have a sister school either in the same town or across the country. This is a wonderful tool that allows people to collaborate many different types of documents in any location, as long as they have Internet access.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Hey Brooke: You seem really into this. If it's anything like the collaborative copyright assignment that we did, then I can understand why. I totally tripped out how we could communicate, without being together. I mean, it was like so instant. And what tripped me out the most was when I was at home working on mine, and another class mate got on at the same time. I could basically see her doing her work right in front of my eyes. I felt like there was a ghost on the computer with me. It was a trip.